Value Added Course

Completed Courses
S.No. Academic year Course Code Course Name Duration No. of Students Enrolled No. of Students Passed
1 2023-2024 VA23SB0T01 Vermitechnology 30 hrs 15 15
2 2023-2024 VA23SB0T02 Immuno Chemistry & Vaccine Technology 30 hrs 11 11
3 2023-2024 VA23SBOT03 Apiculture 30 hrs 17 17
4 2022-2023 VA22SBOT01 Mushroom Cultivation 30 hrs 50 50
5 2021-2022 VA22SBOT01 Mushroom Cultivation 30 hrs 20 20
6 2020-2021 VA22SBOT01 Mushroom Cultivation 30 hrs 26 26