
Hostel for men and women are available . The Principal shall be the Warden of the hostel . He will be assisted by Deputy Warden and Resident Superintendents.

Students seeking admission to the hostel shall apply in the prescribed form.

Before seeking admission to the hostel , students are advised to satisfy themselves about the facilities available in the hostel . They cannot clamour for additional facilities after obtaining admission.

Admission will be made by the Warden on the merit of each application . Admission to he college hostel will be made afresh every year. Continuation in the hostel for the subsequent years shall be considered by the warden on fresh application and on satisfactory academic performance and behavior in the previous year.

The mess will be run on dividing system.

Students who are not eligible for scholarship must clear their mess dues before the second week of every month and those who avail themselves of scholarship , at the end of each semester.

The following charges shall be paid by every students at the time of admission in the hostel.

1 Establishment Charges 1500 ( per sem )
2 Admission fee 50
3 Electricity charges 1500 ( per sem )
4 Application form fee 50
5 Repairs and maintenance 800 ( per sem )
6 Establishment charges for mess 250

Hostel – Discipline

  • Residents shall not exchange rooms assigned to them without the warden’s permission.
  • No resident shall leave the hostel between 7-00 p.m and 6-00 a.m.
  • Food will be supplied only at fixed timing as notified by the Deputy warden.
  • For obtaining leave , residents must meet Resident Superintendent in person and send their leave application only through him/her.
  • Residents who absent themselves from attending class without proper grounds and stay in hostel will severely be dealt with.
  • No guests are allowed.
  • Residents shall not enter the kitchen.
  • Any damage done to the hostel property shall be paid for by the inmate at fault and if he is not traceable by all the students collectively .
  • Residents shall be held responsible for the articles , furniture and fitting in their rooms and will make good any damage done to them during their occupation. The use of bulbs of higher power than those supplied and of heaters , transistor and other electrical appliances is strictly forbidden.
  • If any inmate desires to leave the hostel permanently , he / she must give three days notice to the warden through the Deputy Warden before leaving and he / she should produce his / her parent’s or guardian’s consent to leave the hostel.
  • Any inmate who wishes to leave the hostel temporarily for health or other reasons should obtain the written permission of Warden. On receipt of this permission the inmate should the date of his leaving to mess clerk . On the date of her / his return from leave he / she should report himself / herself to the Deputy Warden and intimate the fact to the mess clerk.
  • Any inmate falling ill shall report the fact immediately to the Resident Superintendent .
  • Smoking and playing cards in the hostel premises are strictly prohibited.
  • Inmates are advised not to leave money or valuable in their rooms.
  • Misconduct or breach of any hostel rules renders the offender liable to a fine or suspension or dismissal form both the hostel and the college.
  • Students of the college who are not residents of the hostel should not visit the hostel or be found in the hostel premises except to attend hostel day function.

  • The warden may add to these rules or amend or cancel any of these rule when he considers it necessary.
  • The rules and regulation , which the hostel authorities may issue from time to time shall apply to all the hostel inmates . The warden’s interpretation of rules will be final.