1. It is obligatory on the part of the student to abide by the rules and regulations of the college for maintaining good standard, discipline and individual progress.
  2. The students must behave very decently in the college campus. Their manners should not cause any disturbance to other students, to the public and to the smooth functioning of the college.
  3. The students should always wear the identity cards inside the college campus and the college bus.
  4. The students must follow the dress code to maintain the dignity and decorum of the college.
  5. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the college campus. Students found intoxicated will be dismissed immediately from the college
  6. Two wheeler riders should wear helmets and must possess valid driving licenses. Students should park their vehicles in an orderly manner only in the sheds meant for the purpose.
  7. Students are directed to co-operate with the authorities in keeping the college campus clean and tidy. They must avoid writing on walls and desks and throwing scraps of papers and polythene covers on the premises. They must use dust bin provided for the purpose.
  8. Every student should handle the college property with care. Damage caused to college property will be charged to the accounts of the students concerned.
  9. Use of Polythene covers are prohibited inside the college premises. 
  10. Students who indulge in any kind of malpractice or plagiarism will be investigated as per the university norms by a committee comprising of the Principal, Controller of Examinations, Chairman of the Board of Studies 
  11. The student should not take part in any violent or unwanted activities regarding politics, community and religion.
  12. No meeting, function or gathering of any kind shall be held within the college campus without the permission of the Principal.
  13. Loitering and making noise in the college campus are strictly forbidden. 
  14. Students must be punctual for all classes. At the stroke of the first bell in the forenoon and in the afternoon, the students must be inside their classrooms. Students should leave the classroom only after the staff member has left the class. Students are forbidden from entering any laboratory without the permission of the teacher in-charge.
  15. Change of residence of student / parent / guardian if any shall be reported forthwith to the office through the Principal.
  16. In regard to all matters not specified in the above rules, students are expected to behave with dignity and decorum.


  1. The faculty should be present in the department at least 10 minutes before the commencement of the first hour and should leave only 15 minutes after the closure of the last hour. This applies to all the faculty members including Heads of the Departments.
  2. It is important that faculty should be punctual to the class i.e. as soon as the bell rings.
  3. Every faculty in the service of the college shall at all times strive for academic excellence in the discharge of his/her duties and conduct themselves in a manner becoming a perfect role model for others to emulate.
  4. Faculty members should handle the subjects assigned by the Head of the Departments.
  5. They should complete the syllabus on time. They shall produce good results in the subjects handled by them and are accountable for the same.
  6. Tutor – Ward system must be effectively implemented. They shall monitor both the academic / the personal activities of the students assigned to them.
  7. They should be good counsellors and facilitators. They should help, guide, encourage and assist the students to ensure that the Teaching-Learning Process is effective and successful. Value based education must be their motto.
  8. They should maintain the respect the right and dignity of the student in expressing his / her opinion.
  9. They should maintain decorum both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
  10. They should deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics.
  11. They should perfect in carry out the extra curricular, co-curricular and organizational activities to be assigned to them.
  12. It is strictly advisable that every male faculty member should wear formal dress and Female with Sarees only.
  13. No faculty shall act in any manner that violates the norms of decency or morality in his/her conduct or behavior inside and outside the college campus.
  14. Faculty should be present positively without fail on the day of reopening and last working day of the semester.
  15. The faculty should report for duty even if they are on vacation if called for to attend to any important duty that may arise.
  16. Resignation in the middle of the Academic year will not be permitted.
  17. Three months’ notice should be given in advance for resignation from service.
  18. The faculty should get prior permission to apply for the vacancies in other institutions
  19. All faculties must attend all the college functions and their respective departmental functions without fail.
  20. Usage of Cell Phone inside the classroom is strictly prohibited.
  21. Faculty should utilize the facilities available in the college efficiently for the improvement of the students as well as for their academic development only.
  22. The entire faculty are responsible for maintaining discipline among the students and nobody is allowed to interrupt the same in anyway.
  23. In the class room as well as in the campus faculty should use only English language to help the students to improve their communication skill.
  24. The faculty are eligible to get financial assistance for presenting papers. The assistance will be: (1) Registration fee and (2) Actual bus fare or Second Class / II sleeper fare by train. Sanctioning Registration fee is fully the prerogative of the management and can’t be claimed as a matter of right.
  25. Faculty in the service of the college can do higher studies only after the consent and knowledge of the college management.
  26. When a faculty seeks to accept any honorary work without detriment to his/her duties, prior permission of the management must be obtained.


  1. Non-Teaching staff working in the college office or departments should remain on duty during college hours (9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.). They should report for duty at least 30 minutes in advance (i.e., 9.00 a.m.)
  2. Non-Teaching staff should wear the uniform provided by the Management.
  3. Non-Teaching staff must always wear their identity card during working hours.
  4. Non-Teaching Staff assigned to Laboratories should keep the Labs clean.
  5. Any loss or damage to any article in the Lab or Class Room should be reported to the HOD in writing immediately.
  6. Non-Teaching Staff, working in the Lab, shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipments, chemicals, etc. It shall be submitted to the HOD and the Principal at the end of each semester and their signatures obtained.
  7. For articles damaged by the students a separate register should be maintained and if any money is collected from the student towards damages, as per the direction of the HOD, the amount shall be handed over to the college accounts staff, for deposit in the college account.
  8. Non-Teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.
  9. Non-Teaching staff shall not leave the college premises without permission before 5.30 p.m.

Applicable Leave and other particulars for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff

  1. Casual leave for 12 days + 3 Restricted Holiday (R.H) for the Calendar year (i.e. January to December) will be allowed.
  2. Maternity leave for women faculty is one year as applicable in the relevant G.O.
  3. Permission for 2 hours (1+1) per month is allowed. If a staff avails a 3rd permission within one month it will be considered as half-a-day leave.
  4. Leave on duty for 15 days is allowed for one Academic year (i.e. June to May).


The Principal is the academic and administrative head of the institution of Higher Education and he implements the policies approved by the highest decision making body of the institution. He maintains coordination among the various statutory committees and non-statutory bodies including the Academic Council. He follows the following code of conduct for the smooth and the effective functioning of the institution.

  1. The Principal is expected to makes all the decisions keeping the best interests of the students in mind.
  2. He has to carry out the responsibility with the highest integrity and avoid careless decisions that result in violations of the law.
  3. He has to empower all staff members and students to reach their maximum potential.
  4. He has to apply active and passive honesty and ethical conduct, including correct handling of actual or potential conflicts of interest between professional and personal relationships.
  5. Full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable disclosure in all reports and documents for the benefit of the institution.
  6. Prompt internal reporting to the appropriate authorities concerned.
  7. Compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations in addition to complying with disclosure controls and procedures and the institutions internal control over financial reporting.
  8. To coordinate and motivate the faculty, administrative authorities and the supporting staff and enable them to play their respective roles more effectively.
  9. Shall hold meetings of Heads of departments to review the progress of academic work and suggest effective measures to achieve desired academic outcomes.
  10. In matters related to Internal and Semester End Examinations (both theory and practical), result analysis, detained candidates, Principal will be assisted by the Controller of examinations and the respective Heads of the Department.
  11. He has to plan for Training Need Analysis (TNA) of the staff and devise training programmes such as Refresher Courses, Orientation, Faculty Improvement Programmes, quality enhancement programmes etc.,
  12. He shall take efforts to look after the overall welfare of the staff and the students.